To Prospective Full Moon Advertisers:
Direct mail is becoming increasingly popular, efficient, and effective. As an advertising agency owner of 33 years and a Marketing Professor for over 10 years, let me explain why Full Moon’s approach is a solid advertising tactic to consider
As mail has diminished in volume since the advent of email and digital marketing, the arrival of physical pieces of mail are getting increasing amounts of attention.
Millennials, Gen Z and Gen A recipients of physical mail see it something akin to getting a gift. It sounds strange, but it’s true.
More mature recipients are more accustomed to receiving physical mail, but appreciate having discounts and promotions highlighted and focused in one publication, like Full Moon does.
Sending individual pieces of mail is expensive as postal rates continue to rise. The Full Moon approach offers efficiencies difficult to achieve on your own.
Selecting who should receive your direct mail piece can be challenging. The Full Moon approach removes the guess work and expense of buying lists by sending to all households in zip codes verified as having the ability to engage with and buy from your company.
I want to be transparent. Neither I, my company or my clients are receiving any form of compensation for this testimony.
Full Moon is a long-standing, ethical business with advertising methods deserving your consideration.
Jim Rogers
Saint Mary's College
South Bend, Indiana
Since 1991